My mother always said 'Don't be with a man who you love, be
with a man who loves you'. Eerily enough that little rebel in me unknowingly
did quite the opposite. I loved someone, who didn't love me. I know some of you
mature and stable relationship holders may scoff and say "you're just a
kid, you can't even spell love", but it's true and it's time everyone
accepts it. You can love, no matter what your age, you can be in love and maybe
eventually out of love, it's a circle of life, no hard and fast rule of this is
how it has always been and this is how it will be.
Well back to myself, this boy, notice how I called him a boy
and not a man, because if there was an ounce of manhood in him, he wouldn't
have screwed me over. He dated me as a 'why not', not as a 'hell yes I want
this', for him it was just a 'why not'. But well I stuck by him through thick
and thin, my mother also lost her marbles trying to handle me, but NO, I loved
him so I had to stick by my love. And long story short, he screwed me over,
eventually dated his real love and well apparently that was the best time of
his life and what not. But I'm not angry, or upset, far from that actually. I'm
happy for him. Granted we didn't work, but I'm happy he found happiness in
someone. Maybe I wouldn't have been as happy as I am if I didn't have a knight
in shining armor come and save my bruised ego.
So then came boy phase 2. This one apparently liked me for
ages and just couldn't do anything about it because I was way too busy
maintaining my Stockholm syndrome. Now I like to call myself a new age
feminist. I'm not those hard core annoyances, but well I can very well put up a
fight for my gender. Now being someone who has always wanted equality, it was
almost insulting to wait around for him to make a move, so I did it. I told him
I liked him and now I'm a month into the most amazing relationship possible.
Let's not get sappy, but I'm so happy with him. What sucks is that we're off to
different places for college. And unfortunately I'm not a very strong believer
in long distance relationships, but I want this so bad, I want him so bad, I'm
willing to try.
I don't know what will happen in my not so nicely narrated
love life, but what I do want to say is that firstly, so many of you out there
are with the absolute wrong person. You know it, and no matter how many times
you deny, an individual always knows when something or someone is just not
right. As they say, if you hold on to the bad things, you're just delaying the
good things from happening. Secondly, if you want something or someone, turn
the world upside down to get it. Mind you this does not apply to all you
druggies. But what I'm saying is, don't hesitate to take the first step and
take it now, or you might miss out.
There is someone out there for everyone, but if we don't go
and find this someone, this someone might just get tired of waiting and embrace
celibacy. Make a move, not for my sake, but for your happiness.